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My whole discography can be found on my Bandcamp. The list here is slightly abridged.

Major Albums

Nobody Remembers the Oldest God (2020) 48:14
A collection of dark ambient remixes of previous compositions, samples, and noise following a sonic descent into confusion and horror.

Nachos’ Complete Character Collection (2021) 1:14:08
A collection of pieces composed for characters submitted by friends and people online. Each track provides a theme for the character while attempting to convey the appearance, personality, or story of the character.

Gerard, The Flesh Demon (2021) 44:34
A musical exploration of the perils of the human form, such as death, disease, and mental illness. As the spiritual successor to Nobody Remembers the Oldest God, Gerard, The Flesh Demon uses similar production techniques and aesthetics but this time with fully new content.

A Little Bug (2022) 1:42:03
My second major spiritual breakthrough since Nobody Remembers the Oldest God. A Little Bug dives into various complex feelings, states of being, and relationships to identity I went through during the creation of this album. This album was greatly influenced by the philosophy of surrealism and included ideas of dreams, juxtaposition, and psychic automatism.

Lobotomy (2022) 31:07
A major exploration of juxtaposition. Lobotomy is made up of five tracks of extremely varying styles all exploring concepts relating to gender dysphoria.

Kill Maim Fuck it Up (2022) 1:13:23
An extensive personal journey about anger, fear, gender expression, and personal acceptance. The music of this album travels between furious, noisy, distorted highs and drawn-out, fragile lows of intensity.

Negative Space (2023) 53:08
Through the lens of sleep, dreams, and insomnia, this album tackles ideas of purpose, identity, death, and mundanity. This album incorporates the guitar as a compositional tool much more than any previous work creating a much more rock-focused style.

Eschatron 9000 (2023) 47:10
A self-imposed challenge to write, record, and produce a full album in just one week. Inspired by the discordian movement, this album explores the end of the world and the apocalypse with an intense, though slightly absurd flavor.

Slowly Dying Insects (2024) 44:24
The first installation in a three album narrative exploring queer struggles through the perspective of five characters and how their lives interact with each other and with a world largely outside of their control.

On the Surface of the Moon (2024) 44:47
The second installation in a three album narrative exploring queer struggles through the perspective of five characters and how their lives interact with each other and with a world largely outside of their control.

Hope (2024) 47:30
The final installation in a three album narrative exploring queer struggles through the perspective of five characters and how their lives interact with each other and with a world largely outside of their control.

Miscellaneous Discography

Aquaphobia (2020) 6:04

Black White and Grey (2021) 4:11

A Dusk Walk (2021) 2:33

Apophasis (2021) 5:53

Home Renovations (2022) 2:21

Bed (2022) 4:52

The view is lovely from up here. (2022) 5:42

Sleep at Night (2022) 8:44

Some Days (2023) 2:20

In the Club Freaking it in a Contemplative Style (2023) 28:09